TeamUNITY Logo

TeamUNITY Logo
Our Logo--The variety of figures in our logo shows the divergence of our members

Saturday, November 22, 2014

We have a new member from Japan - Chizuko Takahashi of Kimono Tango

Chizuko has a beautiful shop where she features bags, cases and pillows made from recycled kimono fabric.

From her profile page-- 

Hi! My name is Chizuko but my friends call me "Oku." I am a mother of two and work at an art gallery during the day and enjoy creating new products for Kimono Tango at night. I grew up appreciating the beauty of the Kimono and hope to spread this passion throughout the world by recycling Kimono fabric into beautiful practical objects for our daily lives. Enjoy traditional Japanese craftsmanship Kimono Tango style with us!

Welcome to TeamUNITY Chizuko!! 

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